Friday, January 27, 2006

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The last post has got me thinking about Christians and social relationships. As a Christian there was always the expectation that I would accept other Christians no matter how poor their behavior was. After all we were brothers and sisters in Christ.

I have lost count of the number of times I have been expected to accept poor behavior from Christians without ever an apology being offered. In fact often the rude bastard or bitch would exclaim "It's the Lord's leading." or "This clearly is guidence for you." My favorite though is "You must be humble and accept, do you know better than God?"

I think it has nothing to do with God, it's just piss poor manners and a total lack of respect. I will never again allow myself to be treated in such a disrespectful manner. I will also make damn sure to point out any breach of common courtesy toward me by Christians.

Raises the question, why are Christians so morally and socially backward?

All is Revealed.

Over the last few years I had been a regular preacher at my church. At some point I preached up to 1/4 of the year. The feedback I received was always positive and at no point had I ever been criticisms or corrected for doctrinal error. Two and half years ago I stopped being asked to preach.

I had always had a deal with the minister that despite my own views I would preach sermons that encouraged people and that fitted within the belief structure of the church. I had no problem with this as a sermon is not the place to challenge peoples beliefs or push my own interests.

Two weeks ago I had a visit from the minister of the church. His concern was I was no longer attending (it did take 9 months for anyone to notice). We had a long chat about theology, he is quite knowledgeable and well read. As always our chat was of value. I explained that I found little of value in the services and that my position theologically had dramatically changed.

Then he dropped a bombshell. The reason I had stopped being asked to preach. I offended those who ran the church (not him as he was absent) with a sermon. The sermon in question was on the role of women. I know, a controversial topic. The content of the sermon had been simple. I looked at 6 NT passages that talked about women in leadership positions. The central message was that the NT was not clear in this area and many churches had different views of these verses, including our own. I then encouraged the congregation to look at those verses at home and prayerfully consider what they felt the bible taught.

All of the above fits securely within the framework of this church and soundly within its written ordinances. A couple of conservatives decided it was behind the pale.

Why was this a bombshell?

After 13 years as a member, preaching 1/4 of the year for 5 years I would have expected one of the following to happen:
1) Being told my message was unacceptable
2) Receive a warning
3) Asked to explain myself
4) have my errors corrected
Instead what happened was total silence for 2 1/2 years.

I never asked why, because to be honest as I believed less it was a relief not to have to preach. Now I look at those actions taken against me and find them among the most morally bankrupt and cowardly I have ever experienced. As a human being I can not imagine treating anyone with such utter high handed contempt.

It's the sort of pig ignorant behavior that only Christians can come up with.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

One of the areas that has most surprised me over the course of the last few years is the historical inaccuracy of the bible.

Much of the OT just never happended:
1) No evidence of an exodus
2) The Jews came from the Holy Land not from anywhere else
3) No evidence exists for David and Solomon
4) Most of what we know about the OT times was not written till after the Babylonian captivity

Then of course so much of the NT has no historical support at all. It amazed me to discover that we know pretty much nothing in detail about the first century of the Christian era. Even the dating of the Christian texts themselves tend to make them later rather the earlier.

Paul was the earliest writer and he never met Jesus. The gap to the gospels being written really raises questions. Why didn't anyone write anything at the time. Also who were these writers? The confused picture of the early church flies in the face of the carefully crafted story of the Christian Church we were told in church.

I don't think this broad picture is really disputable, so why can't I ever get a Christian to discuss these things?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Only recent picture of me Posted by Picasa

The first thing that really hit home was Elaine Pagels wonderful book, The Gnostic Gospels. All of a sudden the world of the early church was not as I had been told. In fact it was a confused market of ideas, all competing with different visions of Jesus and different descriptions of events I thought were historical certainties.

Then I decided it was all too hard and left it alone more of less for over 20 years.

It kept at me, nagging doubts that I would not address, then about 4 years ago I decided to do the research the reading and let the truth take me where it would.

Now I want to write about my thinking and experiences, hope it's not too boring!!