Friday, July 28, 2006

Where will your soul go??

Where will your soul spend eternity? This is a question often asked by evangelists keen to convert their hearers. It's a very good question, but of course it makes a few assumptions;
1) We actually have a non-physical part of ourselves called a soul
2) The soul is eternal and does not die
3) If we displease God he will punish our soul for all eternity
So really the choice is simple, believe or burn.

We can respond in a number of ways, or right rejection seems the most logical. "We don't have a soul, so your claim is nonsense." It neatly puts the position of the non-believer but does nothing to force the evangelist to think about their claims.

Instead we should ask as a counter question "Where was your soul before you were born?" It seems like a wanky question but it does force the believer to address some or all of their assumptions;
1) If the soul once did not exist, why can't it cease to exist in the future
2) When does it become one with the body
3) Is this new soul created by God pure or tainted
Will our evangelist address any of these, I doubt it.

What the question allows us to do, is to turn the tables.
Once they tell us it did not exist we can share with them that it still doesn't.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Jesus our great example??

Jesus our great example?? (If he ever existed)

This entry is nothing more than an introdution to Robert Ingersoll and amazing writer from last century. These comments come from his writings all of which may be found on line through the link above.


He never said a word in favor of education. He never even hinted at the existence of any science. He never uttered a word in favor of industry, economy or of any effort to better our condition in this world. He was the enemy of the successful, of the wealthy. Dives was sent to hell, not because he was bad, but because he was rich. Lazarus went to heaven, not because he was good, but because he was poor.

Christ cared nothing for painting, for sculpture, for music -- nothing for any art. He said nothing about the duties of nation to nation, of king to subject; nothing about the rights of man; nothing about intellectual liberty or the freedom of speech. He said nothing about the sacredness of home; not one word for the fireside; not a word in favor of marriage, in honor of maternity.

He never married. He wandered homeless from place to place with a few disciples. None of them seem to have been engaged in any useful business, and they seem to have lived on alms.
All human ties were held in contempt; this world was sacrificed for the next; all human effort was discouraged. God would support and protect.

At last, in the dusk of death, Christ, finding that he was mistaken, cried out: "My God My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?"

We have found that man must depend on himself. He must clear the land; he must build the home; he must plow and plant; he must invent; he must work with hand and brain; he must overcome the difficulties and obstructions; he must conquer and enslave the forces of nature to the end that they may do the work of the world.